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The first act consists of five scenes. The first scene begins with the conversation between the guards and Hamlet's intimate friend, Horacio. After confirming the preposterous stories of the appearance of a specter who looks like Hamlet's father, the former king of Denmark. They decide to tell Hamlet so he can act as he sees fit.
With the hatred of Polonius, sommelier of corps, and Laertes, son of Polonius, comes the love that Hamlet feels for Ophelia, daughter and sister of these respectively. They try to end the possible love between them.
In this act, Hamlet feels uneasy at the early wedding of his widowed mother, the queen, with her uncle, only a month after the "accidental death" of his father, the former king of Denmark.
Hamlet decides to go to the esplanade where the spirit has appeared with the appearance of his father. He reappears and invites Hamlet to speak in private without the presence of Horacio and Marcelo. Hamlet accepts and the ghost reveals that he did not kill a snake, but the poison that his uncle, now king, gave him. This murder deserved revenge, it deserved the death of the husband of the queen. It is already appreciated in this first act the beginning of the tragedy and the objective around which the play revolves: Hamlet taking vengeance on his uncle for killing his father.

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